Personal data: Any data -regardless of its source or form- that can lead to the identification of an individual directly or indirectly. This includes: names, personal identification numbers, addresses, contact numbers, license numbers, records, personal property, bank account numbers, credit card numbers, photographs of the individual (whether static or dynamic), and any other data with a personal nature.
Processing: Refers to any operations performed on personal data using any manual or automated means. This includes: collection, recording, storage, indexing, arrangement, coordination, retrieval, modification, updating, integration, recovery, use, disclosure, transfer, dissemination, sharing, linking, blocking, erasure, and destruction.
Collection: Acquiring personal data through control mechanisms in accordance with legal provisions, whether directly from the data subject or from their representative or legal guardian, or from another source.
Destruction: Any action taken on personal data that makes it impossible to access or retrieve it in the future or for the data subject to identify it.
Disclosure: Allowing any person -other than those responsible for controlling or processing the data, as per the circumstances- to obtain, use, or access personal data for any purpose.
Transfer: Moving personal data from one location to another for the purpose of processing it.
Al Thaneyan Insurance Brokers Company may collect only the necessary personal data to provide our services at the highest possible quality and to enhance the customer experience. This data includes, but is not limited to:
User Data: When visiting Al Thaneyan Insurance Brokers website without registering, such as network server information (servers), the domain name used to access the internet, the user’s Internet Service Provider, and the user’s previous and subsequent locations.
We process personal data obtained from the following sources:
Data Provided Directly by the Client.
The collection of personal data is not limited to electronic transactions but also includes all manual interactions between the company, beneficiaries, and relevant parties.
Client personal data is processed in accordance with the principles outlined in the Saudi Personal Data Protection Law (PDPL) and may be used for the following purposes:
We may share client personal data with third parties only when necessary:
Al Thaneyan Insurance Brokers is committed to retaining personal data only when necessary, according to legal requirements. This includes retaining data to meet operational obligations, fulfill regulatory or judicial requirements, or for security procedures, with all appropriate safeguards in place to protect the data. In all cases, the company is committed to storing personal data in accordance with Personal Data Protection Law (PDPL) and regulations issued by the Insurance Authority.When the purpose of collecting the data no longer exists or if the data subject requests its destruction, the company is obligated to securely destroy such data. If the company becomes aware of any non-compliance in the processing of personal data, it will take the necessary corrective actions to rectify the situation and ensure compliance with the relevant laws and regulations.
Retention of Data: Personal data is stored electronically through secure databases or data storage systems, or through paper documents protected by strict measures.
Disposal of Data: When disposing of data, it involves destroying paper documents and ensuring that they are completely deleted from databases and systems used, in accordance with the regulatory requirements of the insurance authority and related regulations.
There are several rights under the Personal Data Protection Law, as follows:
This policy is updated from time to time in response to legal, regulatory, or operational requirements. Any changes to the privacy policy will be published, and you will be notified before they take effect.
This Policy was last updated on September 10, 2024
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, or to request make a request related to your data, please contact us: